Home Winding Creek Alpaca Farm

Eddie is a great PR Guy!

Winding Creeks Eduardo

Huacaya, Gelding (Male), White

Sire: Majestic Peruvian Game Changer, ARI# 32747331  | Medium Fawn

Dam: Our Saint Lucia by Tuscon, ARI# 35216421  | Dark Fawn

Price: Sold

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Eddie was born on the farm and is the offspring of Game Changer and Lucia, both who still live on the farm.
His fleece is gorgeous and an advanced fleece structure. Dense, tight crimp, consistent and bright.

Eddie is a very curious little guy who always wants to be involved in whatever you are doing. We have taken him off the farm for parties and he is a great sport about the costumes! He was gelded in January 2021 You must have other alpacas for Eddie to live with as alpacas are herd animals. Eddie is utd on monthly herd health.

Updated 1/10/2022