Home Winding Creek Alpaca Farm

Bred in Spring 2019

ELK Dreamgirl

Huacaya, Female (Bred), Proven | White

Sire: MFI Peruvian Titan's Clash , ARI# 1169621  | White

Dam: MA Condorleeze_deleted, ARI# 826642  | True Black

Service Sire: Majestic Peruvian Game Changer, ARI# 32747331  | Medium Fawn

Price: Sold

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Financing available!!

Dreamgirl has that lingering fineness that you are looking for! Her first cria Triumph has the softest most buttery fleece you can get your hands on. He is in the top 10% of epd traits in several categories. She was just exposed to Majestic Peruvian Game Changer for a Spring 2020 cria. Grab this girl before she comes off the sales list.

Attentive mama

Her first cria's fleece..so very soft, fine and developing nicely!

Updated 8/7/2019